Hello, today I'm going to teach you beginner ASL signs so you can start communicating using ASL or American Sign Language. Are you ready? And that's the sign for ready. Hello, hi, how are you? So, that's the sign for how and then you point to the person. How are you? Good. For one-handed good, bad, turn your palm down, bad. Fine, I'm fine. So, okay, literally the handshapes, four, hundred, and k. Okay, I'm okay, great, or wonderful. What's up? Since that open eight handshape from the shoulders. What's up? Nothing. Busy, busier. I'm busy, not a lot. What's your name? Learn ASL, it's more literally you name what, and sometimes people add "day" at the end as well. What's your name? My name is, and then you fingerspell your name. In my case, Meredith. If you have a sign name, you would then teach your sign name. So, me name. And then, as a beginner, you'll be fingerspelling your name. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. And you sign that toward the person. Yes, nod your head, yes. No, you can shake your head, no. Deaf, hearing, or not deaf and hard-of-hearing somewhere in the middle. Hard-of-hearing, for example. Are you deaf? No, I'm hearing. Are you hearing? No, I'm deaf. So, you can sign, I'm hearing, and I'm learning ASL. That's I'm learning ASL sign. The sign for learn once, twice. I've seen both. Or I want. That's the sign for want. I want to learn ASL. I want to learn ASL. Or I want to learn sign. So, that's ASL, American Sign Language. Sign language, generally speaking. Sign, and then language. Or you might see it with a different handshape. Sign language. Understand. Like, I understand if you're nodding along. So, I understand. The...