Do you need to have someone edit a form after they've already submitted it? What if they've already closed the form and need to edit it later? If this is something you're dealing with, keep watching. I recently had a student ask me how he could have people come back to his form and edit their responses. In this video, we'll take a look at how to set up a form that can be immediately edited, as well as how to get the link for editing after a form has been closed. I've got an example form open here. For the first method, we'll simply set the form to include an "edit response" link after the form is submitted. To do this, we'll click on the Settings icon in the upper right, then check the "edit after submit" and save it. Now, we can preview the form and fill it out. I'll quickly fill this one out with some information. Once I submit the form, I can see that there is a link to edit my response. Clicking on that link will bring the form back up for me to edit. If you have a need for people to come back to the forum and edit it later, you can tell them to copy this "edit form" link and save it somewhere. That's a simple way to do it. Now, what about people who have already filled out the form and closed it but need to come back and edit their responses? This is a little bit more complex, but once it's done, you can use it over and over. What we're going to do is set up a script in the response spreadsheet that will insert the "edit form" links for each response. To begin, we'll go to our form response...