Before you start, you'll need any letters from the pension providers telling you how much your pension was for the year. Alternatively, get the information from your bank statements of the account where your pension is paid into. If you get a Social Security old-age pension, they'll send you an annual pension statement telling you how much your pension entitlement was for the year. If you receive a Social Security Jersey old-age pension or survivors pension, use the letter they send you to enter the amount on your form. Any other Jersey pension income is entered here. Write the name of the pension scheme or the annuity provider that pays you the income and the total gross amount you received during the year. If any Jersey tax has been deducted at source from the income, which you'll see on the letter from the pension provider, include the amount of tax here. If you receive a UK or overseas state pension, declare your total entitlement for the Jersey tax year. Any other pension or annuity income is entered here. Write the name of the pension scheme or the annuity provider that pays you the income and the total gross amount you've received during the year. If any overseas tax has been paid in respect of your pension income, include the amount here and include the papers from the foreign tax authority that show the tax calculation with your Jersey tax return. You can find more information on the website. Search "pension income only - social security benefits are taxable," "home carer's allowance," and "insolvency benefits" if it relates to unpaid wages, holiday pay, or pay in lieu of notice. If you've received either of these payments, declare it here. You can find more information on the website. Search "taxable income" for...