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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 2350 Amend

Instructions and Help about Form 2350 Amend

Do you need to correct a tax return that was already accepted by the IRS? Basically, you need to prepare and file a tax amendment each time you forgot or missed something on a tax return or need to change an already filed and accepted IRS and/or state tax return. 2. You should file a tax amendment for any previously filed tax return, since there are no time restrictions on how far back you can file a tax amendment. However, tax refunds can only be claimed by filing an amendment for the past three years. 3. You may also need to file an amended state return. Go to e-file.com/states or contact us at aoife.com/contact. 4. Here are a few tips about tax amendments. Currently, your tax amendment cannot be filed electronically; it can only be mailed to the IRS. 5. You can prepare your tax amendment on e-file.com, but you will need to print your completed amendment form from your account and mail it to the IRS. 6. If you expect a tax refund based on your tax amendment, be aware that you can only claim a tax refund for the past three years. 7. Lastly, be aware that penalties might apply to you if you owe taxes. Tax amendments don't have to be difficult or confusing. Let us know if you have any questions or need help with the amendment process at efile.com/contact. We are here to help you in any way with your federal or state amendments. 8. Now, let's get started and amend your return today so we can make it less taxing for you.