In this video, I am going to show you three techniques on how you can track forms with the help of Tag Manager and Analytics. There is a lot more coming up. Hey there and welcome back to another video of, teaching you the data-driven way of digital marketing. My name is Julien and today I am going to show you three techniques on how to track forms with the help of Tag Manager and Analytics. Why three different techniques? Well, there are always multiple techniques to get the data that you want. You shouldn't be discouraged when one or the other technique doesn't work. You always need to be flexible, know about the capabilities of the tool, and be able to implement and test different tracking techniques so you get the data that you need in your system. This holds especially true for forms because there are many shapes and sizes of forms out there, with different technologies. Sometimes the trigger or techniques that I'll show you in these videos don't work, so you need to stay flexible and know about these different tracking techniques. Today, I am going to show you my three tracking techniques that I most often use when it comes to forms. When one or the other doesn't work depends on the case, and we have lots to cover, so let's dive in. Alright, back in our demo shop here we have contact forms, and the first thing that you need to do in order to find out which tracking technique you want to use is to actually go through the form and figure out what will be the success that you want to track on the form. It's usually the form submit. So, the user goes through the form just like this and...