I want a public easement. I'm not behind the tape. Okay, hopefully the crime scene. I walk away, that's fine. All right, you're gonna threaten to take my throne if I don't turn off. Walk away, I'd rather not give up on our friend over here. That's the Municipal Court, they're closed. Our friend that needs my camera for evidence. You see what his friends have to say. Wonder which entrance I take. Would it be this building? It would it be that building? This might be it, this might be where we got and go guys, see if there's any activity in here. I'm going to pick Municipal Court second floor, gotta be this building, whoever here. Music yep, this is it, this department has a small lobby. Look at that, that's it guys, that's all you get. A couple papers on the wall here, camera facing at us from the building board. Music okay yeah decide a couple questions, I'm here at the window. Okay, Greenwich Township and Gibbs town, yes. I just need to speak to someone and I have a couple questions, with that rather just speak to an officer in person, we talk face to face. What's that? Okay hey how you doing sir, that has had a couple questions, how many sergeants do you have out in this apartment? Four, five. Is there training going on with those sergeants or right? Do they get like a yearly training in public photography because I was approached the other night for having my camera out, I'm a public easement and he said I need that camera for evidence and there was no crime scene there, there was cars after the crime after the crime scenes already taped off and it's not am I in it to...