In this one, we're going to toggle content using state. This will also teach us a little bit more about React's state and how the components work with this concept of state. Okay, so what I want to do is open up PostDetail and make sure that my app, Jealous, does have my PostList in there. It looks like it did before we did that last one. Okay, cool. So what I'm going to do now is make a button that is inside my render action. When I click that button, it's going to toggle whether or not my content actually shows. I'm going to go ahead and put this button in and say "Toggle Content Display". Like we did with our title, we can make a click event. I'm going to grab this bind method and instead of "this.title was clicked", we'll just say "Toggle Content". Okay, cool. We've got our method named, but we actually have to create the method. "Toggle Content" is an event that passes an event, and we want to prevent the default, especially when it comes to a button. Now that we have it bound, these things will work just fine. The next thing is, all we have to do is on click, this.toggleContent. Cool. So, we now have a way to do all this. If you've watched this whole series, you would see that you've already done this. So, how do I actually toggle this display? Well, what I can do here is say `const showContent = true`. Right? So, with this `showContent` variable, I can actually come in here, use curly brackets, `showContent === true`, then we'll do that content. Otherwise, we'll just leave it empty. And there's my condition inside of the render method. This is my condition right here. Sure,...