Yeah hi hi there yep this is Zen dude fitness the jump rope hotline Oh interesting oh you're new you're new to jumping rope Congrats Congrats on the journey my dude hell yeah so what seems to be the problem ah very interesting okay so you think because you're a beginner that you're not gonna learn how to be able to jump rope Brennan Brennan we have another one we're not gonna be able to jump what's going on Sindhu nation this is Dan Whitmer and today I'm gonna be teaching you how to jump rope if you are a beginner now we have released a video on how to jump rope six basic steps it's linked up check that out if you haven't already but from getting so much great feedback from the YouTube community we've started to focus in a little on a little bit more of what you guys really truly need help with if you are a beginner Brandon and I first of all cannot thank you guys enough we love the momentum that's building and we love hearing about the stories of people losing weight and living a happier life through doing jump rope but in this video we're gonna go over the fundamentals again but we're really gonna focus in on the difficulties that most of you have been telling us that you're facing if you like this tutorial and want more of them give it a thumbs up below and go ahead and subscribe to our channel if you want more workouts tutorials and everything involving getting lean with the jump rope and your body after learning how to jump rope if you're a beginner and you want to get started with some workouts that are that kind of ease you into the...
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