Hello everyone and welcome back to English class. Today, we are going to study the basic sentence structure in English. Let's begin by going over the basic parts of a sentence. First, we have the subject. The subject is the person or thing that does something in the sentence. It is near the beginning of the sentence and is a noun. In the example, the subject is "she." Next is the verb. The verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in the sentence. In the example, the verb is "likes." Lastly, we have the object. The object is a person or thing that receives the action of a verb. In the example, the object is "cats." These are the major parts of the sentence. This is also their order: subject, verb, object. In English, word order is very important. The word order is subject, verb, object. For example, this sentence says "he reads books." "He" is the subject, "reads" is the verb, and "books" is the object. In English, sentences always have this order. Some other languages, like Japanese, have different sentence orders. Let's look at different English sentence patterns. English sentences have five basic patterns. First, there is subject plus verb. This structure does not have an object. For example, "Melissa reads." "Melissa" is the subject and "reads" is the verb. Let's look at two more examples: "She is eating" and "Jim will leave." These sentences are very basic and do not have an object. The next pattern is subject plus verb plus object. This is what we just studied. "I like eggs" is an example of this sentence pattern. We have a subject, "I," a verb, "like," and an object, "eggs." Other examples include "She sees her sister" and "He is reading a book." These all have the...