provides a legal forms guide for Massachusetts residents who need to file their state income tax return. Full-year residents use Form 1, which can be found on the government of Massachusetts website. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Start by entering your name and Social Security number, and provide the same information for your spouse if you are filing jointly. 2. Enter your address. 3. Indicate whether you or your spouse want to contribute to the state election campaign fund. 4. On line 1, indicate your filing status by filling in the appropriate oval. 5. Detail all exemptions being claimed on lines 2a to E, and enter the total on line F. 6. Detail your total income as instructed on lines 3 to 9, and enter the total on line 10. 7. Detail all deductions claimed on lines 11 to 15, and total them on line 16. 8. Adjust your taxable income by applying exemptions and deductions as instructed on lines 17 to 21. 9. Calculate your total income tax due as instructed on lines 22 to 28. 10. Calculate and apply credits to your tax liability as instructed on lines 29 to 31. You may need to complete a separate schedule Z to apply all possible credits. 11. Note all voluntary contributions being made on line 32. Calculate your use tax owed on out-of-state purchases on line 33, and calculate your health care penalty if applicable on line 34. Total lines 31 to 34 and enter the sum on line 35. 12. Adjust your taxes owed as instructed on lines 36 to 43. 13. If you have overpaid and are due a refund, complete lines 44 to 46 as instructed. 14. Sign the bottom of page 1. You must also complete and file a Schedule H C with your return. For more information and guidance, visit
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